User files

My Files consists of two areas:

My files

A logged-in user is able to browse files he uploaded to the system for the purpose of digital signing. The user is also able to view the document signature status and view or download the most recent document revision.

The uploaded documents can be in one of the following states:

Document revision is the latest revision of the uploaded document signed by the intended signers.

Once the document is signed by the all the intended parties, it gets marked "Completed".

Logged-in users are able to delete documents they own; deleting a document leads to deleting the original document and all of its revisions from the storage.

File details

Users are able to see owned file details at any status of the signature workflow. The details screen provides information about the next signer that should sign the document, as well as the timing when each signature occurred.

Each file consists of the one or more revisions; the user is able to view any of them inside his web browser or to download the file to a local storage.

Signing in progress
Signing completed

Change signer information

Document owner is able to update signer's details (e-mail address or mobile number) - only for the signers that did not sign the document.

Signer's expiration time for the next signer will be automatically extended and an e-mail containing signer information will be sent to submitted e-mail address.

Signers list
Update signer's e-mail address or mobile number

Shared with me

Shared with me section lists all the files that are signed by a logged-in user. Files in this list must be finalized - signed by all of the intended users.

The user is able to view each of the files inside his web browser or to download the files to a local storage.

Extend storage

Users have an option to extend the storage size by purchasing additional storage packages.

By choosing an option to extend the storage, users are navigated to a storage package selection.

The system will ask the user to confirm a storage purchase.

Once confirmed, user's storage is extended for a selected package storage size. Additionaly, user's credits balance is reduced for the price of the storage package.

In order to purchase the selected credit package, the user must have enough credits on his account.