Upload PDF document for signature

The Sign service allows users to upload PDF documents and invite one or more persons to digitally sign those documents.

Upload a PDF document

In order to sign a document, the user has to upload a PDF document to the system. The file can be uploaded using the "Drag and drop" mechanism, or by clicking the "Choose PDF document" button and selecting the file from a local storage.

Upload a PDF document

The maximum size of the uploaded file cannot exceed the available storage size of the user in the system.

The maximum uploading file size is limited to 5MB.

Add signers

Once a PDF document is uploaded, the user can submit the list of signers (their e-mail addresses and optional mobile phone numbers) and invite those people to sign the document in the predefined order.

By typing at least 3 characters in the e-mail address textbox system will search users database for those matching entered text and suggest user to pick one. Search is performed over user's address book entries and also whole SignPlus users database. Suggestion list will display limited number of matched entries, in order to get more result user has to enter more text in the input textbox.

When a mobile number is submitted for a signer it will be used later to identify the signer identity during document signing.

Users are able to add as many signers as needed, using the "Add more signers" button. In order to add himself to the signers' list, the user can use a shortcut "Add me as a signer" or manually enter his e-mail address.

Signature position

User is able to define fixed rectangluar area where a signer will put his signature.

User can either move a signature preview box around the page or select existing document signature placeholder.

After a signature position is selected, user can define positioning for other signers.

Signers without pre-defined signature position will be able to add their signature to manually selected position at the time of signing.

Costs and summary

Before submitting the document, the user is able to review the total document signing costs that will be charged once the document gets signed.

By choosing the "Detailed" button next to the "Total cost" info, the user can toggle the costs table.

Costs required for whole document signature are reserved in advance. The total credits balance will be reduced for the total signature cost after the document is submitted for signature.

Costs per each single signature will be charged after every successful signature.

Costs that are not spent (e.g. when a signer does not use his chance to sign the document or the document expires before all signers sign the document) will be refunded back to user's balance.

User confirmation

In order to prevent invalid signing form submission, the user has to confirm the document and signers' list by clicking the checkbox control next to the "Submit" button. Once checked, the system will allow the user to submit the form.

Submitted document info

The system will show the user full document information for the submitted document.

Signing order

After submitting the list of signers, the system will notify all of the signers that they have to sign а document.

The system will initially follow the predefined signers order that the user has submitted. Only one signer is allowed to sign the document at a time. After the document is signed, the system will notify the next signer from the list that he should sign the document.

Each signer has certain amount of time to sign the document, after which the system will reorder the list by notifying the next signer to sign the document, and move the previous one to the end of the list.

Signers will be able to sign the document either when it is their turn to sign or before the global document signature expiration time.


When a user is using additional services security, he will be asked to submit the authorization code sent by the system.

If the submitted secure code is valid, the system will process the document. Otherwise the user will be notified about the invalid user input.